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Pushing The Frontiers Of Science & Engineering

The Society of Engineering Science

SES promotes the development and strengthening of the interfaces between various disciplines in engineering, sciences, mathematics, and related fields. Our conferences are recognized as the leading forums for bringing together diverse, interdisciplinary groups of researchers to discuss advances in highly focused symposia.

Featured Medalists

Glaucio Paulino

Princeton University

The 2023 SES Eringen Medal was awarded to Glaucio Paulino for sustained outstanding contributions in geometric mechanics associated with origami and tensegrity engineering, which led to the creation of multifunctional structures and configurational metamaterials with unprecedented properties




University of Houston

The 2023 SES Engineering Science Medal was awarded to Pradeep Sharma for theoretical developments in flexoelectricity, leading to the design of novel multifunctional materials and explanation of natural phenomena



Norman fleck

Cambridge University

The 2023 Prager Medal was awarded to Norman Fleck for seminal combined theoretical and experimental contributions to micro-architectured materials, composites, ferroelectrics, and strain gradient plasticity with important engineering implications to aero-engines, defense and ship-building




Northwestern University

The 2023 SES Taylor Medal was awarded to Julio Ottino for pioneering theoretical and experimental contributions to the fluid mechanics of mixing



SES Conference

The Society of Engineering Science Technical Meeting is held annually to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and information among the various disciplines of engineering and the physical and life sciences as well as mathematics.  


2025: SES Annual Technical Meeting


October 12-15, 2025


Hilton Downtown Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia

2024: SES Annual Technical Meeting


August 20-23, 2024


InterContinental Hangzhou, China

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Our SES Community

The Society of Engineering Science encourages active participation of engineers, scientists, and mathematicians and students in all of its activities. The SES Annual Technical Meeting bring together a diverse interdisciplinary groups of researchers to discuss advances in highly focused symposia.