Become an SES Member

Membership Benefits

Support for the mission of the Society of Engineering Science

Access to portal on SES website with searchable membership database

Eligibility for nomination to the SES Board of Directors

Eligibility for nomination for SES Awards

Membership is automatically included in the registration for the SES Annual Technical Meeting

Eligibility for member spotlight on SES website

Membership Application

How to Apply

Membership Fee: Annual dues of $50 are required for participation in the Society. Registration at the annual meeting of the Society also pays the annual dues for the following year.

Contact the SES Treasurer if you have question about regarding the membership fees.

Membership Fee

Pay Dues

Membership Fee: Annual dues of $50 are required for participation in the Society.  

Renew your membership by paying dues. 

Registration at the annual meeting of the Society also pays the annual dues for the following year.

Contact the SES Treasurer if you have question about regarding the paying dues.