SES oversees several awards and honors to members and eminent scholars of the field. A total of six medals are offered on an annual basis as well as election to Fellow grade of the Society
The prize is in the form of a medal, the William Prager Medal, bearing the likeness of the person for whom the award is named and a monetary award of $2000. The prize is awarded for outstanding research contributions in either theoretical or experimental Solid Mechanics or both. The recipient is invited to give an address at the annual meeting of the society. The recipient need not be a member of the Society, but becomes a lifetime member upon receipt of the medal.
The deadline for submitting nominations is September 1st.
For contributions to the mechanics of materials in the areas of dislocation mechanics, crystal plasticity, texture evolution, creep fracture, interfacial fracture, grain boundaries, and bio-hydrogels, using methods that link atomistic modeling, continuum mechanics, and computation.
John Bassani
Pierre Suquet
Norman Fleck
Vikram Deshpande
Gerhard A. Holzapfel
K. Ravi-Chandar
Horacio Espinosa
Lallit Anand
Yonggang Huang
J.N. Reddy
Huajian Gao
Robert M. McMeeking
George J. Weng
Zhigang Suo
Ted Belytschko
Ray Ogden
Alan Wineman
Richard James
Graeme Milton
Alan Needleman
Salvatore Torquato
Sia Nemat-Nasser
Jan D. Achenbach
L. Ben Freund
K.L. Johnson
John R. Willis
George J. Dvorak
John W. Hutchinson
Richard M. Christensen
James R. Rice
Rodney J. Clifton
Daniel C. Drucker